You have likely heard the old saw about getting back on a horse after you fall off. I think something like that may apply to me and ol' N13HK. Since my little trip through the Owens Valley with some nasty turbulence, I haven't been flying much. Oh, I took my nephew up for a little bit of pattern work at Whiteman shooting a few take-offs and landings a couple of weeks ago but I haven't really ventured outside the friendly confines of the the Delta airspace around KWHP. My confidence was jarred a bit by that longer trip and I think the only remedy is to get back in the saddle.
Jim and I are planning a trip to Klamath Falls in early June as a shake-down for the Oshkosh trip later in the summer. So that means back into the valley of the shadow of Mt. Whitney to get to Smith Valley for the first part. Before that happens I need to get some more airtime under my wings. Vinoo is heading to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks for a get-together with her sister; I'm thinking of flying to KVGT (North Las Vegas), which is not far from her sister's place for the day just to clear the cobwebs.
Also there are the usual suspects for quick trips - Santa Paula, Santa Ynez, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles. I need to strap in and go and suck it up; there isn't anything else for confidence building like jumping back into the fray.